What is The Death Cycle and How Can You Use It to Manifest?

In a previous blog, which you can read here, I stated that there are a HUGE number of people are manifesting improperly. This is because in the spiritual community, when there’s a trend on manifestation, everyone flocks towards it and then have mixed feelings when it doesn’t work for them. There is one technique, however, that anyone can use. That technique is my signature method called The Death Cycle.

If you don’t know me, my name is Jordan Gaddy, but most people call me Jo. I am a spiritual advisor that teaches women how to live their most empowered and visionary life using the death cycle which is the method you're going to be learning about. I have had PLENTY of manifestation tragedies to tell. Just to give you an example, when I was in high school I manifested the affection of a boy that I liked. SPOILER he's a dick and a cheater and he broke my heart.

So what went wrong? I was asking for love, but my energy was that of desperation. There was no true clarity on what I wanted. So I didn't get love, I got manipulation and betrayal wrapped in a bow. It was a wolf in sheep's clothing. So don't worry, I've had many times of trial and error to get this method right.

The reason why The Death Cycle works is because it forces you to gain clarity on what you're trying to call in. Not only that, but it makes you get energetically aligned and active so that you get what you want EXACTLY.


And I mean the results are ridiculous guys. Like I have my own business, my own functioning and successful business at the age of 21 all because of this method ultimately. I've touched so much success and I teach my clients how to do the same in my Revive the Vision program. In this program I teach my clients how to tap into their innate abundance, build their own spiritual practice and strengthen their spiritual gifts, and overall I guide them to living their big vision by using The Death Cycle.

In this article we'll be talking about

  • What The Death Cycle is

  • Knowing the steps to take to live your big vision

  • Learning how you can become energetically supported

  • And how to use my signature method, The Death Cycle to manifest

What is The Death Cycle? 


The Death Cycle is my signature manifestation method that takes you through a (small) death to get what you want.

It takes 7 steps to complete a whole cycle. These 7 steps are associated with a typical death process.

Surrender (step 1)

Surrender is the first step of the death cycle because it the first thing we do that allows change to happen. In surrendering, we take matters out of our own hands and open ourselves up to guidance and rest.

Shed (step 2)

The second step is shedding. When change is permitted, the things that can no longer hold space must be released. This is a step for sacrifice.

Death (step 3)

Death is the third step in this cycle. This step demands your acknowledgement and acceptance. It forces you to consider who you are behind your identity. It tests your strength and your willingness to change/ get what you want.

Embrace (step 4)

Embrace comes after death because love must come after acknowledgement. You cannot see your flaws and neglect to nourish them. You cannot see your core self and not give it love. This step gives us the energy to complete the next step.

Transformation (step 5)

Evoke your power and put that energy out into the Universe.

Empower (step 6)

Putting out energetic momentum is not enough alone. We must back it up by physical action because we exist in a physical form and dimension.

Rebirth (step 7)

After all of this energetic metamorphosis comes rebirth. You are a completely different person and continue on as this person until the next cycle begins.

How Can You Use The Death Cycle to Manifest?

Ok so we're gonna give an example of a manifestation attempt.


So let's say this for example, you're sitting on the couch in your clay face mask and you're watching the real housewives and you're just in awe of how glamorous their life is that you would trade places with drama included just so you can eat a cheese board and tan on a yacht.

9 times out of 10 you're going to be manifesting the money to do this. When people manifest money they usually get $20 or a refund on something. There's nothing wrong with manifesting money but take it a step further. Should you manifest money or should you manifest a better relationship with money or better management skills? Let's go even deeper than that. Should you manifest a better relationship with money or do you want the leisure and luxury that comes with it? And even deeper, do you want the leisure and luxury or do you want to feel grounded and free and know that no matter what you are supported in all aspects?

Taking the time to actually figure out what it is that you desire below the surface is key to getting what you want.

And that brings us to the first step of The Death Cycle, surrender. We have to break the ego barrier. What you want is below the surface, not on it.

The step surrender is all about acknowledgment and clarity. So what is it that you want? Why do you want that? What's not right in the life you're living now that you have to call this in?These are all questions you would ask yourself during the Surrender part of The Death Cycle. Going deep within to figure out what's wrong, what you're calling in, and why gives both you and the Universe clarity so that you can get exactly what you want.

We've pretty much already went over why this is important but just to reiterate, getting clarity on what you want helps you stop manifesting misfortunes.

So what's after surrender, shedding of course.

We have to shed the things that don't align with our purpose, mission, or desires. You can say that this is the offering section of the method. The reason we have to do this is because those things will only hold you back. If you're serious about this, you have to learn how to detach and let go. And I'm not saying to throw it out like it didn't mean anything to you, but be grateful for the time you shared with it and send it on it's way. You can move on in a respectful way. Shedding things that no longer serve you shows determination and it's the first step of actually honoring your commitment to yourself.

I told one of my clients recently that (and I was completely channeling at this point) but I told her that we let go of the weight so we can elevate. And that resonated with her so much that she was writing furiously so that she wouldn't forget it and was like "YES THIS IS MY NEW MANTRA" it was so cute. But yes you have to shed the things that don't serve you so you can move forward, otherwise they'll hold you back.

The next step in the death cycle is death itself.

Who are you at your core? Without your desires, your titles, your identity, your belongings, who are you underneath it all? We have to solidify our knowledge of ourselves because truly that's all we have. When you know yourself, you know your worth. And when you know your worth, you strive for better. Believe it or not, this is the most important step in this whole method. When we enter the quantum realm, or Dr. Joe Dispenza calls it the unified field, we can call in whatever we desire because we are no longer our own identity, but part of everything as a whole. And as everything, we can create anything. See when we are in the quantum realm we become everyone and everything but also no one and no thing. This is what death is ultimately, becoming unified and entering vast creation. I mean you're literally starting on a clean slate and you can make your life whatever you want it to be. Death is evolution, not total annihilation. So just to sum it up, this step is the most important because it gives us a clean slate, sparks our creativity, and shows us our worth.


After death is embrace.

This is where it starts getting a little lighter, but it’s still a bit heavy. This is a section for shadow work and healing. What fears, guilt, or shame are attached to what you desire? What is your truth and how can you heal? We focus on self love in this step because love is the highest vibrational frequency that we can give off. When we love unconditionally, we open ourselves up to greater possibilities. This is also the step where we introduce quantum perspective shifts so any problem you run into can easily be fixed. The reason why quantum perspective shifts are necessary is because our feelings are strong as shit. I mean they can stop us or make us do anything. Sometimes we have to think outside of our own perspective, outside of our own experience to find a reasonable solution. So we integrate quantum perspective shifts so that you get the best possible outcome in all of your problems.


The next step is transformation.

Finally we're getting into actually manifesting. You're manifesting during the whole method, but this is where you actually call it in. So however you like to manifest, I personally do scripting, prayer, and the cup method, this is the time to do it. It works better now because you have so much clarity, confidence, and good energy. We've cleared out all the gunk so your focus and power should be 10x stronger than if you were just to manifest regularly.


After transformation is empowerment.

This is where you back all your talk with actions. It’s all about activation. You have to do things that are aligned with what you’re trying to call in. Whether it's meditation, exercise, picking up a shift, reaching out, etc. you have to put forth the effort to make whatever you want happen. Actions create energy and you want to keep up that good energy until what you're trying to call in has come to you. Also, this is where try to evoke the feelings that go along with what you're trying to manifest. If it's a luxurious life, wear a robe and drink some wine, if it's a life of peace, tend a garden or do some breath work. Doing  things that make you feel how you feel in your big vision brings it closer to you.


The last step is rebirth.

In this step, you're reaping your rewards. It doesn't stop there though, you have to also show gratitude. Showing gratitude invites more to come to you. It also raises your vibration and allows you to stay in a higher state of being. You should be practicing gratitude every day, but in this step it's more intense. I mean you're appreciating everything, not just the thing you manifested. You're taking into account the whole process and showing gratitude for your growth and the new person you've become.


How Can You Find Energetic Support and Live Your Big Vision?

So you might be wondering where do you start when it comes to creating your big vision? My life truly started to change when I understood who I wanted to become (who my higher self is) and what I needed to do to become her. After that, I was able to move on to bigger and better things. I have a free workbook on my website that will teach you all the steps you need to take to become your ideal self. The thing I will say is that you also need support. I mean changing your life drastically is not a small task to take on. I suggest having people to support you, especially energetically since it's highly likely that you'll end up experiencing burn out and go on a hiatus from your mission.

Let me tell you something. I wouldn't be anywhere I am today if it wasn't for my coach and my astrologer. Friends and significant others are great and useful for this as well, but you shouldn't rely on them for such a big thing as creating the life you desire. For that I suggest working with someone who can guide you properly and is specifically there for you for this exact thing. The Divine Experience is a 1 on 1 program that's designed to help you get the life your desire while building up your capacity for abundance, strengthening your intuition, and connecting you to your spiritual council so that you become so grounded, secure, and clear that you can discern exactly what you need to do maintain and build that lifestyle.


It's a 6 month program and we hit every single aspect of what makes you you with the death cycle so that you're completely evolved and not a single bit of you is holding you back. You're doing the exact steps I took to get where I am now in this program. Since it is a 1 on 1 program, you'll have personal and exclusive advice that no one else has. If you're interested in learning more you can book a discovery call with me on my website.

If you’re not feeling up for it just yet however, you can join my facebook group! I post free content there everyday and members are the first to be updated. Be the first to know when a live training is going down, videos and podcast episodes are uploaded, and get more free value than anyone else has.

Thanks so much for exploring this topic with me




The Present Adjacent and Manifestation


This Is Why You Suck At Manifesting.