and dramatically change the coarse of your life with intention and finesse

Check out my offers


  • Goddess Road Map

    Goddess Roadmap is a free 30 min call session with me. Here we’ll create a plan together so that you can live out your big vision effortlessly.

  • Embody Your Ideal Self

    This is a free workbook dedicated to teaching you how to embody your ideal self while taking you through the steps of The Death Cycle.

  • Positive Networks

    Friends and family don't support your vision? Learn how to manifest your ideal support system with this guide.

Start your journey working with me here:


  • Revive the Vision

    Designed to provide a complete life upgrade, Revive the Vision is a 6 month program that quantum leaps you into a life of leisure. Experience your dream life under my guidance and learn your true power along the way.

  • Financial Revision

    Revisit the way you deal with money. Financial Revision is a 6 week program that is dedicated to help you heal your money trauma, release your negative financial perception, and soar to riches.

  • The Divine Experience

    Ready for a more intense level up? The Divine Experience is a 1:1 adventure that provides a safe container, personalized for your experience, to reroute your life’s path under my guidance.

Call In a Life Of Glamour And Abundance.

Experience the Rich and Lavish.

Call In a Life Of Glamour And Abundance. Experience the Rich and Lavish.


Need something more self paced? No problem


  • Purple and white marbling with a white, translucent banner that has the words Source Senses and Jojobaa in it.

    Source Senses

    Source Senses is for the creative, entrepreneur, innovator, or influencer looking to connect with source energy and create their magnum opis. Never experience creative blocks again and become more in tune with the visionary version of you.

  • Celestial Rituals

    All the people that hold great influence over the world have strict morning routines. Why shouldn’t you? Better yet, you should have a ritual for every possible scenario in your life to ensure that you stay on track. Celestial Rituals is a compilation of rituals to keep you aligned.

Here is Why You Should Work with Me Instead of Another Advisor:

  • In fact, I do the opposite. In all of my programs, we tackle fear first to free you from any limitations rooted in trauma, doubt, or scarcity.

  • When you work with death energy, you learn to use the things that once held you back as a stepping stone. I take it a step further by using your darkness to help you become wealthier and more fulfilled

  • I have an extensive background in things like metaphysics, biology, marketing, business, geology, art, classics, psychology, and herbalism. I use all of these things when it comes to helping you and figuring out the best way to get you that dream life.

  • Whether it be money, a new house, peace, a promotion, new experiences, or a simple stress free life, I help you manifest your deepest wishes so that you can live them with ease.

  • My offers are set up in a way that if you go through each level, you should no longer need my services by the end. Of course, many clients still stick with me as there is always work that needs to be done and it’s nice to have someone in your corner.

  • Though I do help my clients become wealthier and live luxurious lives, money is not the source of that. The same is said for me. I do this work because I love helping women become fully sovereign and powerful. Your success drives me, not the money.

  • Every day I encourage my clients to share their wins with me. We even have “champagne calls” at the end of each month to celebrate progress and invite more in. Also, new high-level clients get sent a little gift to celebrate their commitment to their personal development.

Don’t Trust Me? Listen to Them