Financial Revision

Heal your money trauma now!

Financial Revision

Too many people make BIG mistakes when it comes to money.

I’m not just talking about budgeting


Ever found yourself doing everything, and I mean EVERYTHING, and not getting any rewards in return? I’m talking working overtime, manifestations, picking up new jobs, applying for loans and grants. Nothing seems to work.



Cover the costs for your desired lifestyle



Lose the burden of having to stress out about money constantly



Learn how your overflowing cup can fill other’s

Financial Revision covers…

  • healing money trauma

  • money misconceptions

  • learning the true energy of money

  • where money comes from

  • money habits

  • how to manifest money

  • how to manage money

  • money authority

  • how to be a wealth magnet

  • wealth consciousness

  • and much MUCH more!


Join Financial Revision

Stop thinking linear when it comes to money!


Save, invest, spend less. We’ve all heard the exact same words when it comes to fixing our financial issues. The thing is, everyone’s money story is different so that overused solution fails to transfer to every person.

Financial Revision can help you think quantumly about your relationship with money. Covering all the bases like your money story, trauma, manifestation, negative influences, management, and more, this program allows you to find a rhythm with money that comes natural to you. Be happier, be safer, be richer.

Here’s what’s actually happening…


The actual reason why you can’t bring in more money or that you can’t keep it is because you abuse it! Like all abusers, they get their behaviors from learned fears, trauma, and guilt. We’ve all received financial trauma from our parents that influence our relationship with money. (Don’t blame your parents, they did the best they could.) Who would want to stay with someone that mistreats them?

The Financial Revision program allows you to analyze those fears, guilts, and traumas. It teaches you how to mend your relationship with money so you’ll have more income than you could ever imagine. Let me tell you what you’re getting.

Financial Revision is a 6-week program to heal your money trauma and embody the energy of abundance.

>>> 6 weeks of guided support ($1,200)

You’ll have me to guide you throughout all 6 weeks. Don’t hesitate to ask questions.

>>> 6 guided meditations ($300)

Guided meditations allow you to center your mind and create a clean, stable foundation for you to work on throughout the day.

>>> 3 modules ($3,500)

I’ve created 3 modules to help you get everything perfect the first time. From baby steps to flying, we cover it all.

>>> 6 workbooks ($1,000)

These workbooks provide you with information, daily rituals and practices, and exercises to help you embody the energy of abundance. The work is heavy, but so worth it.

>>> 6 lectures ($4,000)

Every module comes with 2 lectures that’ll go over the workbooks, give you tutorials, and go into depth on the sections topic.

>>> Budget spreadsheet ($10)

This isn’t any ordinary budget spreadsheet. This spreadsheet allows you to see exactly where all of your money is going every month (if you’re honest) and ALSO helps you see how much money you need to manifest to live your desired life.

>>> Tapping work ($70)

Tap out the bad and tap in the good with a tapping exercise. Reprogram your brain to actually feel good about money.

>>> Reiki work ($90)

Get a reiki exercise to help you embody the energy of abundance.

>>> Voxer Messaging ($2,000)

Have access for me with all your financial and personal concerns. Celebrate your wins easily with me.

>>> Shadow work prompts ($20)

We get really deep into the subconscious to find the root of our trauma and fears so that you can watch it safely and overcome it.

>>> Priority response

I try and help all of my Seraphs but those who really want to change their lives get priority response from me

A total value of $12,190

I’m giving you this much value for only $250

That’s right, $250. I wanted this program to be available for everyone because I like seeing everyone succeed. SO much so, that I’m giving a discount to everyone who pays in full. Pay in full price is ONLY $150. Making and keeping money shouldn’t be hard. There shouldn’t be any guilt surrounding it either. Let’s work together to get richer.

Don’t wait until the price goes up again…

After this round, I’m raising the price. You’ll get this program at the BEST VALUE if you join Financial Revision today!

Still can’t find the money? I’ve got you covered.


Payment plan 1:

Pay in full for $150

Payment plan 2:

3 payments of $84 for a total of $252

Payment plan 3:

6 payments of $42 for a total of $252

Need a plan that fits your wallet better?

No problem! Simply email me and we can work out a plan that’s right for you. It’s as easy as that.

If you’ve tried every manifestation technique and still haven’t seen proper results, this program is for you.

Don’t waste the opportunity by putting it off. The price will be going up soon, meaning you’ll have to pay for your procrastination. Are you committed?


Here’s a weekly breakdown of the program:

  • Deprogram

    Detox all that fear, shame, and guilt you have towards money and install new beliefs.

  • Reprogram

    Incorporate generosity and gratitude into your life to reprogram your system to react better to money.

  • Energy

    Understand the inner workings of money and where it comes from.

  • Alignement

    Get a little taste of manifestation and align with wealth energy to bring money towards you.

  • Management

    Learn how to properly manage your money and manage your energy so that you’re always ready for more.

  • Manifestation

    Learn how to properly manifest money, financial security, and financial freedom.

Learn the true nature of money

Money isn’t what most people make it out to be. It’s not the root of all evil, it’s a tool that we use to get the life we desire. Learn the energy of money. Go deep within you to heal your money trauma under complete supervision. Do the work, live in luxury.

There is no reason for you not to upgrade your mindset and spiritual connection with money. Doing the work is the first step towards unlimited abundance. Make the commitment to invest in yourself and watch your life evolve.

Financial Revision won’t be at this price forever! The price is going up soon, so make the decision NOW to change your finance game.

Mend your financial relationship


Deconstruct your learned guilt, shame, and fears surrounding money.

Learn the true nature of money and how to be in harmony with the energy of abundance.

Become a mega money manager and manifester.

Listen… I was once where you are.

I remember being so obsessed with saving money that I would literally never spend on myself. If I did, I would be overwhelmed with guilt. This was especially detrimental to me because one of my primary love languages is gift giving and therefore, I couldn’t love myself properly. But it didn’t stop there. Once I fixed that problem, I splurged every chance I could.

I realized that something had to change, so I put in the work necessary to do so. That’s how this program was born, through trial and error of my own experience. I can tell you first hand that if you do the work, it works.

If you truly want to upgrade your finance game, know that you can do it. You CAN live in luxury, you can be worry free, you can be financially secure, but you need to take your first step. I’d love be there to guide you.





I feel like the price is a little high, is there any way to help with that?

Yes I offer 2 official payment plans. One is a pay in full, the other is a monthly payment of $84 for 3 months. If these are out of your price range, I always offer more flexible payment when contacted. But YOU have to be the one to contact me for these offers.

Will this program actually work?

It works for the people who put in the work. If you invest in the program and give it nothing else in return, you’ll get nothing out of it. You have to show up and honor that commitment to yourself in order to see results. HOWEVER, the people who have completed this program say that it is life changing when it comes to their lifestyle and finances.

How long is this program

This program lasts for a duration of 6 weeks.

I want to join now! What do I have to do?

Simply sign up to know when it’s available, or contact me on instagram for instant access.