Find your power


Wanna know a secret…? You are the co-creator of your life and can decide whether or not you want to elevate or settle.

You can have the life you desire at any point in time

BUT working on just one thing and hoping that your manifestations come to you is NOT going to get you there. You have to change every aspect of your life and make sure that you are completely aligned with the energy you’re trying to pull in.

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Your mystical guide and spiritual advisor

How do my clients have such an amazing transformation? We shed and rebirth EVERY. SINGLE. ASPECT.

You’re taking the spiritual route….

You’re sitting at your altar after you just spent a FORTUNE spoiling your guides with offerings. The incense is burning, crystals are all around you, and the binaural beats are blasting in the background. Yet, there’s still no answer or really any sign they’re there besides your own intuition and even that’s starting to waver. The more you think the less you know and you’re beginning to lose faith in your own certainty.

Or maybe you have a constant battle in your head between having the rich, luxe life you want and still being successful in your spiritual practice. You know that giving up attachment is a part of the spiritual journey, but you still find yourself longing for YSL. You’re scrolling on Instagram and see that another IG baddie is in Bali. You have MAJOR dreams about living in the scenery and go to look at how much a roundtrip ticket would cost. You feel your heart break when you see that it would cost nearly $3,000 to get there and back, not counting a room to stay in or any sort of itinerary. Your dreams are crushed as you continue on scrolling.

Picture this instead

You’re in your dream home waking up next to your significant other or pet and instead of loathing the day’s events, you feel grateful and a sense of bliss knowing that everything is taken care of. You’re surrounded by beauty and things you consider luxurious and feel in your soul that you belong here and now.

You spend the same amount of money on getting new crystals that you do with designer bags and know that materialism doesn’t inhibit spiritual growth. Though your crystal budget is through the roof, you feel no need for fancy equipment since you can easily tell what the guides are saying by using your innate spiritual gifts and psychic abilities. Communication is easy and effortless, You have no doubt in who you are or what you’re capable of.

Feeling the strength in your spirit and the power of your intuition, you are fearless and unfuckwithable. Nothing could get close to you even if it tried and upon the rare chance of malevolence succeeding, you know your spiritual council has you covered. You get out of bed and allow love and ambition to fill your lungs feeling connected and aligned as you start your day embracing your celestial energy.

It’s time for something better…

You’re ready for so much more. Yes, I mean it!

Are you tired of not living lavishly and doing the things you desire? So sick of having to look at what your next paycheck is looking like? Done with having to piece together what your guides are saying? Want to know your purpose and have more clarity in life?


That’s how I came up with The Death Cycle, my signature manifestation method. This method helped me regain control of my life, give myself my power back, and see my manifestations unfold right before my eyes. It lead me to increase my intuition and start my spiritual journey. Now I’m a successful business owner who is deeply connected to my higher self, intuition, and spiritual council.

I don’t worry about how much money I’m going to make within the month because I know that I can call money in whenever I want. My relationship with money is healed and I’m feeling the financial freedom every day.

Not only that, but my connection to my spiritual council has gotten stronger. I know most of the members and have no doubt or uncertainty when it comes to who I’m talking to and what I’m saying. I have my own tailored spiritual practice and talk to my council daily.

I took complete control over my life, increased the strength of my psychic abilities, tapped into my innate abundance, and connected with my spiritual council on a deeper level.

I’ve done it all and now it’s time for YOU to let me show you the way so that you can dedicate your energy to living your most empowered and visionary life. I hope you’re ready to go full speed ahead.

Trust me, I’ve been there. Let me speak on it…

All my life I’ve been told what to do and how my life should be lived. My life was so controlled, I couldn’t even show who I truly was. I was forced into a religion that didn’t resonate with me. All of my interests were shut down and frowned upon if it didn’t align with the perfect vision that was given to me.

On top of that I’ve had to deal with nonstop grief for 7 years straight due to losing a person I loved each of those years. It caused a lot of misdirection, inconsistency, miscommunication, and terrible manifestations.

The control was especially placed on the way I treated money. I treated it like a burden instead of a gift and as a result, it never came to me.

I was tired of being told what to do and so I took my power back. Bit by bit and little by little I unlearned the things I was taught while also letting true self show. I became more reliant on my own knowledge rather than community opinions. I got myself a spiritual advisor/coach and then the fortune came rolling in…

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Revive the Vision

Find Your Power


Revive the Vision - Find Your Power

My signature 6 month group program to fast track you to your big vision

You’re more than ready to have the life of your dreams, and I know that YOU know that it takes morphing into the ideal version of you AND taking that extra step to shedding all the things that don’t serve your vision.

Revive the Vision is your ticket to that life. It’s time you honor your commitment to yourself.

This Program Includes…

- 6 Elements

Cover for everything you need to live you big vision! Whether it’s working on yourself or the life you desire, these elements will help you get there.

- 12 Coaching Calls

You have my full on support throughout this program. Get any questions you have answered by me on a live coaching call. Ask about anything but make sure to run it by yourself first (this strengthens your intuition)! Monthly calls are on a set schedule the first and last week of each of the 6 months.

- 7 Guided Meditations

The mind is the first thing we train and a constant thing we have to condition. Stay centered, grounded, and high vibe with guided meditations to go along with each module.

- Access to a Private Facebook Group

What’s better than support from me? Support from people that are on the same journey as you! Make some friends, network, create long lasting bonds. But most importantly, lift each other up with in a safe space with a beautiful community.

- Customized Workbooks, Rituals, Feedback, and more

We’re just getting started. Get workbooks, rituals, and books to go along with each module. Finally have homework you actually enjoy and receive feedback from me during office hours.


- 5 Celestial Rituals

On top of the rituals you’re already receiving, you’ll get 5 more for any out of the ordinary obstacles to get you back on track.

- Financial Revision

Need to heal your relationship with money? I got you here. Financial Revision is designed to bring you more money and help you become abundance.

- My Mapped Out Manifestation Method Using the Death Cycle

Oh yeah, you’re getting my PERSONAL manifestation method. I use this every time I’m trying to manifest something and it is 100% fool proof if you do the work.

- My Income Tracker for More Wealth

Not only are we giving you tons of way to call in money, but we’ll be showing you how to exactly manage your money for your current life and the life you’re trying to call in.

- My Money Maker Manifestation Method

Say yes to more abundance as you learn exactly how to manifest money. We go through all the aspects like energy to management so you know exactly what to do with your riches.

- Rapid Revision Method

This is what’s going to change your life. I’ve carefully created a method that will change any aspect of your life that you feel needs attention. Get right on track to life you know you’re supposed to be living.

And if THAT’S not enough, the FIRST 10 people to sign up get this program at a discounted price!

That’s right! Sign up now and get $500 off this program. Get everything the program includes PLUS my undivided attention and EXCLUSIVE advice no one else can get at a discounted rate.

We are getting you from LACKING to LAVISH with my signature method, The Death Cycle, that includes.

-       Module 1: Death of the Mind

o   Gain clarity on your big vision and get rid of old, limiting beliefs to achieve mindset and mental stamina to reach your goals and beyond.

-       Module 2: Death of the Body

o   Get in tune with your body for optimal self love, control, and emotional guidance. Know when something’s up instantly by being in harmony with your body.

-       Module 3: Death of the Soul

o   Figure out your purpose for ultimate clarity on what you want out of life. Go deep within and find out what your why is. Make over your soul and watch your life flourish.

-       Module 4: Death of Energy/ Lifestyle

o   Match your energy to that of your big vision with abundance trainings and revising aesthetics to fit your soul and purpose. Energy is everything so let’s get it harmonizing with what we want.

-       Module 5: Death of Consciousness

o   Strengthen your intuition and innate gifts while also meeting your spirit guides. Say goodbye to days of uncertainty and miscommunication. Learn how you can use your own intuition to guide you through life. And no more reshuffling your cards or praying without answers, you’ll be gossiping with your guides like a pro.

-       Module 6: Death of the Collective

o   Figure out how you can share those gifts to the world by also deepening your psychic abilities and meeting the rest of your spiritual council. Experience the luxury you call in and live lavishly. It’s time to fly solo as you stick to a spiritual practice tailored for your own purpose.

In just 6 months, you’ll be starting to live the life you desire.


So let’s get down to business…

In this program you receive:

+ 6 modules

+ 12 group coaching calls

+ 7 guided meditations

+ Private FB group

+ The Death Cycle Manifestation Method

+ Customized workbooks, rituals, feedback, and more

All for $1500 (Payment Plans Available)

What will Revive the Vision improve for me?

Well, this program is meant to change your life drastically so that you can fast track to living the life you know you’re meant to live deep down inside you. There’s tons of ways that your life can improve, but let me list a few:

+ Be a Money Maker - We’re sharing with you our Money Maker manifestation method that includes a spread-out view of all your finances for both your current life and your visionary life.

+ Channel your Intuitive Boss - We’re diving deep into strengthening your own intuition for ultimate clarity.

+ Sync Up With That Spiritual Seraph Energy - Get ready to feel aligned AF when you finally figure out a spiritual practice that’s fit for you

+ Become a Connected Goddess - Get more connected with your spiritual council


Join Revive the Vision and get the support you need to life the life of your dreams!

Experiencing this program will give you:

++ 6 Modules

++ 12 Group Coaching Calls

++ 7 Guided Meditations

++ Private FB Group

++ Money Maker Manifestation Method

++ The Death Cycle Manifestation Method

+ + Customized Workbooks, Rituals, Feedback, and More

Only $1500


We only let women who are motivated and willing to join this program for the safety of our members. Don't let that stop you from booking a discovery call with me. You'll be sure to miss out on experiencing the most supportive and gifted community ever!

Don’t let another year go by just thinking about it without taking action. Being in limbo, saying “next time” or “I’ll do it later” is the biggest energy drain that exists and stops your manifestation powers dead in their tracks. Staying in the position you’re in now will drain you emotionally, financially, and spiritually, and will likely lead to you trying to climb the corporate ladder in a job you hate for the rest of your life.

All those Pinterest boards you’ve created with Paris trips, Louis Vuitton bags, and treating your friends to a champagne brunch is meant for you and what you ultimately deserve.

Know that you are worth more than that. That life where you’re living lavishly, are in full control, and are a spiritual goddess is meant for you. Don’t go another day without working towards that vision. Your vision is your vigor!

You don’t have to settle for uncertainty and struggle. Say yes to empowerment, clarity, and spiritual and financial growth. It’s time to believe in yourself, value your desires, and book a discovery call with me today! 

With gratitude,




I live a pretty busy life trying to keep up with all of my responsibilities, will I have enough time to do this program?

In Revive the Vision, we respect and honor your time. All work can be done in a timely manner. Also when you join Revive the Vision, we help you declutter your own life so that you have more time to do the things you want to do. Plenty of women in this program are working full time and/or attending college. If they can do it, so can you!

I’d love to join the program but the price is a bit heavy. Are there payment plans?

Yes, there are three options for payment: pay in full ($1500), 3 month payment plan (3 payments of $500), and 5 month payment plan (5 payments of $320). Besides, in this program we teach you how to call in more money to help your financial situation all around.

What if i end up not committing? Are there refunds?

No refunds. All sales are final. However, you absolutely won’t be disappointed at all. Besides, our clients see results just from the orientation. We make the work short and fun so there’s no reason to drop out mid race.

Can I access the program after the 6 months are up? I’m a slow worker.

Absolutely! Revive the Vision has lifetime access. Calls will still go on as scheduled but the content will be waiting for you.

Do I have to be super spiritual to do this program? I’m a newbie.

No! Revive the Vision is so in depth that no matter how advanced or novice, the results are still potent. Plus you’ll have less to unlearn if you are new to the spiritual world.

If you feel called to join this program, DON’T PUT IT OFF! Saying no to opportunities like this cuts off more from coming. Don’t settle for a life that’s full of stress, struggles, and uncertainty.

Honor your commitment to yourself and BOOK A DISCOVERY CALL so that you can live your most desired life.