The Divine Experience


So I guess you got tired of settling for less… good for you goddess.

It’s time you discover how expansive you truly are.

Hi, I’m Jo!

the beauty and brain behind Jojobaa and all it’s creations

I’ve helped countless women discover their personal power and capture their desires by putting a focusing on their lifestyle and purpose.

Truth is… I know what it’s like

I once was swallowed by so much stress that it was breaking my hair off and creating stomach issues. Not cute. It almost took me completely, but I decided to say no. I took accountability for my life and invested $4,000 that I didn’t even have at the time in myself and my business. BEST. RISK. EVER. From there, my life completely skyrocketed. I began to get consistent clients and helped so many women achieve “unreachable” goals.

Moral of the story, when you have someone that has your back during your ascension, things move quickly and for the greater good. This is why I’m introducing…

The Divine Experience

You are a GODDESS and it’s time to build your temple!

It’s time to turn into your divine form and take back power in your life. I know you’re sick of always feeling like you’re living someone else’s dream and that your life doesn’t feel like your own. You have the power to change this NOW! Live in the realm of The Divine Experience. You decide the path that you follow. Tune into your power, harness that energy, and dominate like the goddess you are with my guidance.

This 1:1 experience includes:

  • Access to all offers (for free) under the duration of the contract ($10,500 value)

  • Discounts on all shop items

  • Personal access to me via voxer to help you stay in alignment ($5,000 value)

  • Unlimited Emergency calls for those chaotic days ($800 value)

  • Three (3) 1 hour calls per month ($1,500 value)

  • Lifetime access to all content

  • Access to the Seraphic Alignment membership through the duration of the contract ($222 value)

  • Personalized homework, meditations, tapping etc. so you know it works for you ($2,000 value)

    Total value = $20,022

The best part is you get all of this for $5,000 in a 6 month container or $10,000 in a 12 month container!

What even is a spiritual advisor?

My service to you as a spiritual advisor is to guide you through your mental, emotional, and spiritual life matters while also deepening your connection with the Divine. Because all problems start with these affairs, having a spiritual advisor to navigate you through them ensures personal, professional, and social success.

Take the next step and work 1-on-1 with me!

Maybe you’re already successful in the professional world, but find that your life is still lacking something. Or maybe you’re trying to improve your life, but nothing you’ve tried has worked significantly. Whatever the case, you know you’re ready for an upgrade.

Become your absolute best self with guidance from me in the spiritual, financial, and purpose aspects. Live the life you’ve always wanted to by taking initiative and reclaiming sovereignty.

You will have my full support and attention for a set amount of time. You can choose to do a 6 or 12-month plan. Payment plans are HAWT and available.

Advising Plans

Both plans involve access to messaging via voxer and personalized advice, homework, and rituals. Payment plans are available.

6 months

Get access to me 1 on 1 and receive three (3) 60 min calls and unlimited 15 min calls every month for the duration of 6 months. Here we plan and find solutions to make sure your metamorphosis is successful. This plan is valued at $5,000.

12 months

The year advising program includes four (4) 60 min calls and unlimited 15 min calls every month. Really take the time to own your sovereignty and launch into your goddess self. Ensure your transformation is exactly what you want. This plan is valued at $10,000.

Believe me, I know how stressful life can be.

Going it alone doesn’t make it any easier. That’s why I created The Divine Experience. I realized, after getting myself a coach, that so many people are traveling this life without any guidance. MAJOR issue.

Women are taught to bear it all and keep quiet from the moment they come into this world. I’m here to tell you, angel, that your voice deserves to be heard. The world needs you to bless it with your gifts. With all the smothering and the rise of the divine feminine, it was only right that I opened up this offer to the world. I knew I could help release a TON of that tension. The Divine Experience is designed to iron out all the kinks in your life while also helping you excel.

Here’s the framework

  • Destiny

    A deep dive into purpose work so that we know exactly how to get to your destination without the drama.

  • Demi

    This is where we turn you into a demigoddess. Activate your psychic abilities and strengthen your intuition.

  • Divine Masculine

    It’s time to build that goddess temple of yours and balance your masculine energy. Work. Play. Conquer.

  • Divine Feminine

    It’s time to receive all that the world has to offer you. Become a mega manifestor and balance your feminine energy.

  • Decode

    Learn how to decode all the signs in your life so you know exactly what your spiritual counsel is telling you.

  • Divinity

    Fully embrace your goddess self and rest in your temple as life starts to bend at your will. Become the Divine Creatrix.

Whatever you want, believe you can MAKE IT HAPPEN! You are in control of your life and you have a say in what you can or can’t experience. Don’t let yourself be your only restriction…

Apply now to see if you’re a good match!

If you’re accepted, we will schedule a FREE meeting to give you a trial of the advising process and from there you have the option to be a part of The Divine Experience!

I want you to receive the best advising experience possible for your own personal growth, even if that means that I won’t be included. I care deeply about all of my Seraphs and want the best for them. For this reason, I do not allow just anyone into personal coaching with me. It would be a detriment to my integrity and a waste of your time and money. On top of this, I only have 5 spots available at a time for personal advising. I want to make sure those spots go to the women who are serious about their growth. That being said, if you seek a one-on-one experience with me you should fill out the application form. Don’t let anything stop you from applying if you’re ready! You never know what you might miss out on…

But it doesn’t stop there…

When you join The Divine Experience, you also get:

  • Early access to offers and shop items

    >>>>>> $222 value <<<<<<

  • The complete Death Cycle experience lead by yours truly

    >>>>>> $3,000 value <<<<<<

  • Insight into your purpose and life with collaborative life decoding

    >>>>>> $1,000 value <<<<<<

  • Collaborative manifestation sessions so that your desires come to you with ease

    >>>>>> $2,500 value <<<<<<

That’s almost $7,000 worth of bonuses!

Still unsure about all this?


The truth is though, The Divine Experience is meant to help lessen your load and bring you to a more peaceful state of being. Adding this into your life is seamless and won’t create any more problems.

I know you’re on the fence right now, but this 1:1 adventure is perfect for you if:

{} You’ve created a space in life where you can’t seem to grow, but desire more out of all aspects of your life

{} You’ve experienced mass success in one area of your life, but are having trouble with seeing the same success in other areas

{} None of the spiritual advice you find online is working out the way you think it should and you’re looking for something that actually works

{} You’ve realized that life is short and there’s no time like the present to be at peace with yourself and your life, but don’t know how to get there

{} You have uncertainty when it comes to your purpose and want to make an impact on the world

{} You want to better yourself emotionally, mentally, physically, and spiritually but want all in one access for convenience

{} Desire to discover and strengthen your personal power and spiritual gifts


It takes guts to invest in yourself

Investing in yourself and your future can be hard when you’ve never considered the impact it could have on your life. The fact of the matter is that this experience WILL give you the transformation you desire. You are amazing and have always had the ability to do phenomenal things. I have no doubt in mind that you will achieve all of your dreams and goals, I just hope that I can help you get there quicker.




  • Start the application process! I know everyone hates filling out forms, that’s why I put the least amount of questions I could into the application. From there, if I think you’re a good fit, I will contact you to start the initiation process! It’s so simple.

  • You can’t learn life experience from books. What you’re getting isn’t a spirituality crash course. It’s an all access container that helps you process, refine, and expand your life. This is a consistent space in a rapidly changing reality (the transformations I’ve seen are mind-blowing). Sure you can learn how to meditate and stuff from books, but it will take way longer going the book route than having someone that’s already done it guide you. You could study rocket science right now, but it would be easier to understand if you have a tutor. To wrap it up, you can gain knowledge from anywhere, but learning how to apply that information to life situations is much more challenging when doing it alone.

  • Absolutely. Anyone who thinks they deserve this experience can have it! I offer flexible payment plans to suit my clients financial needs. Any plan you need, I can make happen for you. All you gotta do is communicate. That being said, this isn’t a pay as you go. Though you and I have no need to worry because I know your pockets will deepen as you complete this program.

  • Yes. In this program, one of the first things we actually tackle is how to incorporate this into your life AND time/energy management. Plus, you’ll be able to schedule calls at your own convenience. Plus for this program, I open up blocked off time for the clients that need it.This will slide right in easily.

  • Here’s the thing, when you start taking accountability for your life and actions, things like this don’t happen. On top of that, making an investment like this provides motivation for you to finish what you started from yourself and me. If I see that you’re slipping when it comes to the work, I will remind you, but YOU have to be the one to follow through on your actions.