This Is Why You Suck At Manifesting.

Manifest using your own learning techniques!

By: Jordan Gaddy


A big flaw in the spiritual community is that every one does what every one does. There’s rarely any individuality when it comes the practice, and that includes manifestation. The fact of the matter is, spirituality is a solo journey that’s supposed to improve YOU, which then elevates the collective as a whole. So if everyone is doing the same practice ( please stop copying influencers) there is no collective growth, only the growth of one individual and a heap of frustration. THIS is why you suck at manifesting, because you’re too busy following a method that someone else uses and not a method that is tailored for you.

Luckily for you, I’ve made the problem simple to fix. I find that the best way to manifest is by using manifesting techniques that align with your learning method.

The Different Learners

Incase you forgot, there are 4 main types of learners. That includes the auditory learner, the visual learner, the read/writing learner, and the kinesthetic or hands on learner.

  1. Auditory Learners

    Auditory learners learn best when they can listen. They store information by the way it sounds and have an easier time following spoken instructions.

  2. Visual Learners

    Visual learners learn by seeing pictures or graphics. They store information by sight and like to see what the are learning.

  3. Reading/ Writing Learners

    Reading learners learn by reading and writing. They store information by words and like to bold out key words of a topic.

  4. Kinesthetic Learners

    Hands on learners learn by touching and doing. They store information by physical activity and tend to grasp ideas better when roleplaying or experimenting.

So how can we apply the way you learn to how you manifest? The way you learn is the way your brain works. Not only that, but it’s part of how you function as a whole. When we do things that are aligned with our learning tactics, we excel at them more and are more likely to engage in those activities more frequently. Naturally, we are more successful at manifesting techniques that are in harmony with how we function.

So which methods are best for you? Let’s look into it. I’ll tell you exactly which ones you should attempt and how they work.

Auditory Learners

To connect the dots, you manifest better when you can actively listen to what you want to call in. The best manifestation techniques that cover is aspect are:

- Subliminals

- Hypnosis

- Affirmations

- Guided Meditations


We manifest our reality through the subconscious mind. Listening to subliminals, whether it be music or a meditation, help reprogram your subconscious mind. They raise your vibration and work with the power of the mind to push out energy that attracts what you want. Here’s how you can use subliminals to manifest:

  • Listen to them while you sleep

  • Let it play in the background while you work on something

  • Be consistent.

  • Listen actively with headphones

  • Play or say affirmations while you listen to subliminals

There are really good free subliminals out there, but it is advised that you listen to ones from people you can trust. I personally love the Subliminal Guru. They give amazing subliminals that are easy to drown out in the background. You can listen actively or work and not lose your focus.


Like subliminals, reprogram your subconscious mind. The reason why it works is because it can help you remove mental blocks, form new habits, get rid of bad ones, and act as an anchor for the goal(s) you’re trying to achieve. This reprogramming helps you amp up your power by getting rid of the things that no longer serve you. It also allows you to easily become energetically aligned with what you’re trying to call in. Here’s how to use it properly:

  • Get in a quiet space where you won’t be interrupted

  • Relax

  • Surrender (don’t let your thoughts pull you out of your hypnotic state)

  • Try again if you don’t get the results you want

Hypnosis is an easier way to reprogram because it is a direct attack on your subconscious mind rather than a gradual take down. Like I stated with subliminals, it is recommended that you do hypnosis with someone you trust. Take a look at your local hypnotherapists and see if you can set up an appointment. A great alternative to this would be to check out Juliet Obodo. She’s an amazing hypnotists and pretty much everyone is dying to work with her.


Affirmations are everyone’s favorite thing to incorporate into their spiritual practice and honestly, they work. It’s probably the one thing that everyone should do. However, affirmations can help you (auditory learners) more than others because you get to repeat and listen to the words and have it actually stick. Use them like this:


  • Make your own

  • Put them in present tense

  • Repeat them daily

Affirmations are so valid and can really help rewire your mindset and raise your vibration. If you’re not the creative type and it’s hard for you to create affirmations for yourself you can always go on pinterest and find some that go with what you’re trying to manifest. Also, if you’re super lazy or just don’t know where to start, I post daily affirmations on my instagram which you can use as well.

Guided Meditation

Ok, I LOVE guided meditations! Meditating on your own can be a bit challenging for beginners and sometimes you just don’t wanna work that hard. Guided meditations are such a good solution for this. Not only that, but guided meditations can help you visualize and bring in emotions that align with what you’re trying to call in. When you feel strong emotions towards something you want, it tricks your brain into thinking you already have it. This then alerts the universe into sending your desires to you in with 2 day shipping. Here’s how you make it work for you:

  • Relax

  • Position yourself in a way that compliments the meditation

  • Commit to it

  • Stay focused

Guided meditations are easy to get into and don’t take up a ton of time. They can be done at any time of day, but it is preferred that you have a quiet and relaxing space. You can get some free on youtube, or you can go to my shop and buy a custom guided meditation.

Visual Learners

You manifest better when you can see what you’re trying to call in. The best manifestation techniques for you are:

  • Vision boards

  • Movie method

  • 2 cup method

  • Visualization

Vision Boards

Vision boards are a great way to manifest for you because they allow you to constantly see the things you want. You can think of them as an aesthetically pleasing to do list. They help you visualize your goals and work towards them. Here’s how it can work for you:

  • Make your vision board match your aesthetic

  • Place it somewhere you’ll always see it

  • Ask yourself how what you want can happen right now and take action

  • Visualize yourself completing your goals

If you don’t want to buy a bulletin or dry erase board and waste paper, you can always set a vision board as your wallpaper on your phone and laptop. You can also make a vision board on pinterest, but set a reminder to look at it every day.

Movie Method

The movie method is such a fun way to manifest. Though, it doesn’t really work well if you’re not a visual person. For creative and visual people, it works because you can enter the world of the character you’re trying to become and not have to come up with the plot on your own. You get to experience what it’s like living the life of the person you’re trying to become by substituting a character with yourself. Still, it can be tricky so here are some tips:

  • Pick a movie that aligns with what you’re trying to call in

  • Cast yourself as the main character (or another that fits)

  • Don’t lose focus

  • Try and feel what your character is feeling

I love this method because it allows me to dream without doing all the dirty work. My go to movie is Clueless (1995) and I manifest with Cher and Dionne. If I were you though, I’d try to keep the movie somewhat high vibe.

2 Cup Method

Everyone in the spiritual community knows about this method. It’s probably one of the OG methods honestly. This method works well with visual learners because you are able to actually visualize the goodness pouring into your other cup and into your body. Here’s how it works:

  • Get two cups, one full of water and one empty

  • Write on a post it how your life is and stick it on the full cup

  • Write what you want to call in and stick it on the empty cup

  • Visualize your life changing as you pour the water into the empty cup

  • Read what you want out loud and continue visualizing as you drink the water

The 2 cup method is based off of the concept of quantum leaping. It can allow you to gently move into a dimension where you are living the life you desire. It’s a fool proof method. My only suggestion is that you drink some fluoride free water for this.


Visualization, for me, is the easiest manifestation method. This is because not only am I a creative bomb, I’m also a visual learner. It’s easy for you to manifest using visualization if you are a visual learner. I mean that one is a no brainer. Visualization is a great technique because it allows you to feel and experience the life you want and bring that good energy into the present tense, which in return brings what you want to you faster. Here’s how it can work for you:

  • Be in a space where you’re comfortable

  • Start the plot off with something positive (no negative spiraling)

  • Visualize yourself in 1st person!!! (this is the part everyone messes up)

  • Visualize your dream space as well as your dream life

This method is one of my favorites because it’s easy and you can do it anywhere. If you’re really visual, you can even just daydream and manifest. No need to close your eyes. The only catch is that you might get into the habit of living in your head instead of your actual reality. To prevent this, set a timer and stop visualizing when it goes off. Then, do 2 actions that will bring you closer to what you want.

Reading Learners

You can manifest powerfully when words are involved. Here are some techniques that involve them:

  • Scripting

  • Petitions

  • Affirmations

  • 55x5


Scripting is a very fun way to manifest. In scripting, you write a story that you want your life to be in rich detail and present tense. This works because you can write out every detail you want to happen and begin feeling your life change as you rewrite it. Here are some tips to help it work better:

  • Have a journal dedicated to just scripting

  • Highlight the big things you want to happen

  • Have a pen dedicated to just scripting

  • Write at least 3 pages every time you do it, but shoot for more.

Scripting is such an interesting method because it’s literally like you’re rewriting your own life. This mixed with visualization is a powerful combination.


Petitions are kind of like scripting but less intense. Think of it as a thank you letter to the universe. Petitions work because they express what you want, how you got it, and how grateful you are all in one go. It puts out major mojo and gives you ideas on how to create action in your life to call it in faster. Here’s how to write one:

  • Address the Universe (or a member of your spiritual council)

  • Explain your current situation in past tense and how it makes you feel

  • Explain your desire and how it makes you feel in present tense

  • Say thank you (not just for the thing you want, but for the process as well)

You can treat petitions as an actual letter and put it in an envelope, or you can bury or burn it. Which ever you feel called to do is what you should do. Just don’t forget to sign your name and date the paper.


As stated above, affirmations can help you rewire your mindset and raise your vibration. However, reading learners have to use them slightly different. Instead of saying them out loud daily, you have to write or simply read them every day. Writing is preferred though since it will help the words stick better. Here are some tips to help you out:

  • Write and read one affirmation 3 times a day

  • Write 5 affirmations daily

  • Stick affirmations in places you look at frequently

  • Put one as your lock or home screen

As a reading learner, it’s best that you read affirmations as many times a day as possible. Make sure the affirmations are aligned with what you’re trying to call in and set a reminder to do them.


This method is probably the most taxing method out there, but it works (unfortunately). This is a method where you repeat an affirmation or a goal 55 times a day for 5 days. It works because it shows the universe your dedication, reprograms your brain, and raises your vibration. To make it more fun, do this:

  • Alternate between reading and writing

  • Make your affirmation or goal into a fun sentence you can say

  • Use a crazy colored pen

  • Feel your power get stronger every time you read or write the sentence

This method takes a lot of consistency, so you’ll need to set a reminder. Taking the time to do it is the hardest part. If you want something easier, you can do a 33x3. Alternatively, if you want something more challenging, you can do a 77x7 (bless your soul). Like I said this method actually works, but it’s not my cup of tea. If you find this method works for you, by all means stick to it.

Kinesthetic Learners

You guys have it the hardest out of all the learners because you actually have to do physical work, but the upside is that your manifestations come quicker. This is because you’re doing action instead of being mostly passive. Here are your manifestation techniques:

  • Tapping

  • Manifestation box

  • Role playing/ pretending

  • Positive networks


Tapping is basically like acupuncture without the needles. It’s a physical way you can reprogram the brain and manifest the life you desire. It works by rewiring your system, breaking bad habits and negative thought patterns, and keeping you high vibe. Here’s how to get the most out of your tapping session:

  • Do it in the morning

  • Try to achieve a meditative state before doing it

  • Drink some water afterwards (flush out all the bad)

  • Do some breath work after

It may not feel like it afterwards, but a tapping session takes a lot out of you. Not drinking water post session is like not drinking water after a massage. All those toxins and negativity are still going to be in you if you don’t flush it out of your system.

Manifestation Box

A manifestation box is like a 3D vision board. You choose a box and set an intention to bring in whatever you want through picture, trinkets, and words. You can use it as a one time thing or use it daily. Here’s how you can get it to work:

  • If it’s a one time thing, bury it and plant something on top of it

  • If daily, put it somewhere you can see it every day

  • Put something you use daily in the box so that you’re forced to look at it

  • Continue to fill the box with more things that excite you

Manifestation boxes create such powerful energy. The only downside is that they’re easy to forget about. Make sure that you put the box in a place that you’ll see it every day if you’re going to use this method. Otherwise, it’ll turn from an energetic source of power and motivation to a box of junk.

Role play

Role play is an amazing way to manifest. It’s like visualization, but actually fulfilling some actions. Role play works great because it helps you carry the energy of the person you’re trying to become and helps you create more actions that will bring you closer to your desires. Here are some tips:

  • Act how you would if you had your desire

  • Dress like the person you’re trying to become

  • Have a theme night with a friend and go out (the theme being aligned with what you’re trying to call in)

  • Surround yourself with a space that’s in harmony with your desire

Roleplaying is such a cute way of manifesting and it calls things in so much quicker. Though sometimes it requires a little effort, it is so worth it in the end. Plus it’s super fun.

Positive Networks

Positive networks is a great manifestation method because it surrounds you with people on the same wave as you and keeps you high vibe. It also leaks their lifestyle into your own which in return, rushes the thing you’re calling in. Here’s how it works:

  • Surround yourself with people that have the same or similar goals as you

  • Stop hanging with people who bring you down

  • Join facebook groups, or other social groups, that align with your desire ( join mine here)

  • Unfollow toxic people on your timeline

I believe everyone should practice positive networks, but it works better for kinesthetic learners due to the hands on effect. You can literally see MAJOR changes in your life when you use positive networks. My advice is to start with your friend group and see who is supporting you and who isn’t.

Want Even More Tips on Manifestation?

Join my Revive the Vision program. It’s a 1:1 program where we go wayyy deep into manifesting your dream life using the information above and MUCH more. We’re transforming your life completely by strengthening your intuition and psychic abilities, helping you find your purpose, increasing your abundance threshold, and getting you connected to your spiritual council. We also teach you how to build your own spiritual practice. Not only that, but the first 10 people to join get the program at a discounted rate AND my Financial Revision program for free.

Not ready yet? That’s ok. I do free live trainings on my social media and post exclusive content in my facebook group. Tons of value all for free. You should go check it out. I’d love to elevate with you.

Also, special thanks to Sarah for sparking up the inspiration. Definitely book a reading with her if you have the time.




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