The Present Adjacent and Manifestation

The MAJOR problem in manifestation…

If you're constantly trying to do something instead of doing something, you're living in the present adjacent. This is something my clients and even myself had issues with when it comes to manifesting your dream life.

As a spiritual advisor, I help many of my clients achieve things like knowing their purpose, financial freedom, and their dream lives. After working with my clients and myself on such big goals, I found that there’s one major block that almost always pops up in manifestation and that is the present adjacent. The present adjacent is a term that I came up with that is based off the present subjunctive in language studies. The present subjunctive represents something that takes place in the present but isn’t actually happening. If you don’t want to read all of this and would rather listen, I have a youtube video explaining exactly what the present adjacent is, why you need to overcome it, and how to do so.

I have many programs that focus on transformation of a specific aspect of life, but my Revive the Vision program targets a complete life change, usually one where my clients end up living their dream lives. The present adjacent really acts up in my Revive the Vision program because my clients are focusing on bringing in their big vision. When one does this, they have to bring in the things that they want from their dream life into the present while also becoming their ideal self. What happens when a client is living in the present adjacent is that they end up focusing too much on their end goal instead of the actual transformation.

I see a MASSIVE amount of people struggle with the present adjacent especially when they’re working on big goals such as financial stability, appearance changes, and overall life upgrades. They get stuck in a place that feels very much like limbo. It’s like they match the energy of what they’re trying to call in and become their ideal selves to get it, but life has yet to catch up. This is something extremely hard to fix and often results in giving up.

The present adjacent shows up in many forms, and here’s one. Take the phrase "I am trying to" for instance. We find ourselves trying to do things quite a lot, but we never actually are doing them when this phrase pops up. This is different from a victim or lack based reality because you actually are holding yourself accountable and taking action to get your desired results, but you're approaching it from the wrong end. You see your goal in only it's end state and not what it is as you are actively completing it. For example, you want to eat a cake. If you are living in the present adjacent, you would only focus on eating a cake instead of figuring out how to bring that cake to you .You lose your patience, get frustrated, and see your craving as something difficult to achieve. If you are truly living in the present, you know that you have to bake that cake or go to the store and so you do the things required of you so that you can eat a cake. See the difference?

That’s one of the most common ways that the present adjacent shows up. Another way would be that limbo state I mentioned above. It seems like all we’re doing is waiting and waiting for the thing we want to happen, but it seems like it isn’t coming even though we’ve done everything we’re supposed to do. The present adjacent is a tricky thing to get out of because we actually think that we are living and working in the present, when in reality, we're not. The present adjacent is a result of future heavy thinking with present heavy action. When we live in the future, but work in the present, we go the wrong route to get things done.

How do you know you're living in the present adjacent? You can tell if you're feeling 3 things:

  • Frustration

  • Impatience

  • Exhaustion


These three feelings are amplified in the present adjacent because we are working towards the end goal way too much as opposed to the next step we have to take to reach it. This causes us to not see desired result and feel as though we are working towards nothing. Our hope gets diminished, and our spirit is often crushed, and our determination is so strong to the point that we move through the burn out. We all know that continuing to work when we are experiencing burn out is one of the worse things we can do to ourselves and whatever we’re working on. It can be detrimental to your growth and your health.

What are the symptoms of living in the present adjacent?

  • Imposter Syndrome

  • Fatigue

  • Moodiness

  • Third Eye Centered Headaches

  • Ringing in the Ears

  • Frustration

  • Imbalance

These are the main symptoms of living in the present adjacent. During this time, you’re kind of in the fog and struggling to find a way out. Your guides are trying to contact you and show you the way, but you have such major blockage that you can’t hear that advice. This is why you have third eye centered headaches and consistent ringing in the ears. It’s your guides trying their hardest to connect with you and get you out of the limbo when you’re so closed off. You also have a ton of negative emotions and fatigue from trying to get out of it yourself, but all solutions have failed. This is especially so when you become your ideal self and don’t see the life change to match. This causes you to develop imposter syndrome.


So how do we stop this from happening? The solutions are almost simple, almost.

The first step is to identify that it's happening and why. The present adjacent is hard to identify because it shows up in many forms, but like I previously stated, you can identify the present adjacent by listening to your feelings as you're trying to work on getting what you desire.

  • Mindfulness is a great tool for this. And I know I say this all the time and if you're one of my clients I know you're probably like omg when will she shut tf up about mindfulness. The answer is never and you know it. The truth is, actually paying attention and listening to yourself and your environment tells you everything that you need to know in order to fix it.

  • Journaling is another way to bring these issues to light. Simply start writing about anything and see where your mind leads you. Most of the time, we find the answers we seek hidden beneath the clutter of words in our brain. This is how we get the why.

  • Open yourself up to connect with your guides. It can be hard when we’re in the present adjacent so really take the time out for yourself and open yourself up. You can do hour long meditations, cartomancy, automatic writing, or whatever else you feel called to do. Sit there for as long as you can and try to connect and be open to guidance.

The second step to stopping the present adjacent from happening to you would be to break your goals down into smaller goals.

  • In the present adjacent, we try to work towards our main goal and only our main goal. This creates set backs, blocks, and loss of hope. Instead break your main goal into smaller, easier goals that you can complete every day or every week.

  • A fun way I like to do this is to create a mind map. I’m a very visual learner so mind maps do the job for me, but you can use a planner, a calendar app, to do list, or set audio reminders in your phone. Whatever gets you to break down your big goal and remember to complete the small goals will work just fine.

The third step is to trust in yourself and the Divine

  • When you trust in yourself and your skills, you know that you can make anything you want to happen. Trusting in yourself gives you permission to make the change happen. You might have given yourself the ok to become your ideal self, but not to bring in what you desire.

  • Trusting in the Divine gives you complete reassurance that it's coming and that since you ask the divine for help, it'll be perfect for you.

  • When there is a lack of trust, the work is one sided. Not trusting yourself and relying solely on the Divine tells the universe that you don’t actually want the thing that you’re asking for since you’re not doing any work to get it. Not trusting the Divine makes it harder on you because you end up working so hard and not opening yourself up to receive. You’re doing all the work for nothing in the end.

So major takeaways. The present adjacent is where we live when we are living in a reality that isn't actually happening, but we are still actively working on and manifesting our goals. You know that you're living in this type of reality by feeling 3 feelings: frustration, impatience, and exhaustion. To stop this from happening you need to do 3 things: identify that it's happening and why it's happening, break your goals down into smaller goals, and trust in yourself and the divine.

The present adjacent is not something that you can easily fix on your own, but rather something you should probably ask for support on. Like I’ve said before, my clients have struggled with this many times before and I know the exact tricks to get them out of it, even when the present adjacent shows up in a tricky way. If you just want some support from me and other you can follow me on instagram and join my facebook group, the Seraph Society. If you want 1:1 tailored advice and support, you can book a discovery call with me to join my Revive the Vision program. It’s a 6 month program that is designed to strengthen your spiritual gifts and intuition, help you channel your innate abundance and connect with your spiritual council, and ultimately live your dream life.

I hope that this helped you if you’re having trouble manifesting. You can DM me on instagram or twitter if you have any questions. Let me know if this has helped you in any way. Thank you so much for reading!




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