How to Strengthen your Intuition

Strengthening your intuition can be a rough journey to ride on. There are many things you have to consider like learning your body queues, making sure to listen, and having mental clarity. If you're ready to fulfill your purpose and live an abundant life full of happiness, freedom, and relaxation, but you have no clue what your next moves are OR you crave freedom and wish you had it now but the circumstances of your life just aren't aligning with your desires, then strengthening your intuition might be the right choice for you. In this post, we’ll cover:

  • what intuition is exactly

  • why you need to use it

  • methods to strengthen it as well.

What is Intuition?

Intuition is the ability to know or understand something immediately without the need for conscious reasoning. The origin of this knowledge is up for debate. The two main theories are reincarnation and DNA.

We live many lives as our souls cycle over and over. As we live these lives, the memories are stored in our soul and the knowledge comes out whenever we recognize a previous lesson or circumstance.

Futhermore, knowledge is passed down through DNA. Your ancestors’ experiences, accomplishments, and challenges descended onto you the day that your grandmother was born, and more were given when you were conceived. As a result, we inherited our ancestors’ knowledge that is accessible at any time.

I believe that both are true, but regardless. There is an abundance of knowledge hidden deep within all of us. You may be already using it.

 Intuition is not to be confused with claircognizance, which is a psychic ability. Not everyone can tap into their psychic abilityies, but everyone can use their intuition. If you want to learn more about psychic abilities, consider applying to Revive the Vision.

Revive the Vision is a 6 month program that quantum leaps you into a life of leisure. Experience your dream life under my guidance and learn your true power along the way.

Why you need to use your intuition

So why do you need to use your intuition? The brain loves to argue with itself and sometimes it can be difficult to come up with a solution or make a decision when we try to think our way out of something. This can especially be true if you, like me, are struggling with depression, anxiety, or some other imbalance that impacts the way you think.

Sometimes it’s better to feel for the answer rather than think of the answer. That way there’s little to know interference and, as you develop this skill, you are able to rely on it more efficiently.

Strengthening your intuition can also help you create the life you desire! Your intuition is like a compass to fulfillment and success. The more you trust the direction it’s leading you to, the more you’ll find yourself feeling accomplished, joyful, and peaceful. This is because when you truly follow your intuition, there is no way that it can lead you astray. It’s almost like instinct in the way that it never lets you down, but instead of being a product of reaction, intuition has to be felt and sought for.

How to strengthen your intuition

We’re finally getting into how to strengthen your intuition. Try using 2-3 methods consistently for a month to get better results. Remember that you only go as far as you allow yourself to.

Practice Mindfulness and Meditation

Practicing mindfulness and pairing that with meditation can help you strengthen your intuition because it helps you learn to listen and observe. Our intuition is very subtle with the way it communicates, so opening yourself up to it and actually listening and feeling for it helps you recognize what you’re looking for when intuition calls.

Release your Resistance

We tend to talk ourselves out of the important things. This could be due to fear, guilt, self sabotage, or simply refusing to change. In order to strengthen your intuition, you have to stop being stubborn and do what it’s telling you to do. If you’re being guided towards a certain path, follow it. Your intuition cannot do it’s job if you keep getting in the way.

Test your Hunches

Testing your hunches not only strengthens your intuition but also gives you more confidence and trust in yourself. So, if you feel like you’re being drawn to something, go for it! On the other hand, if you have a feeling that something, or someone, is off, then take the necessary precautions to protect yourself. After some time has passed, you’ll often get closure on whether you were right or not naturally. Though, if you really need to know, you can always ask around or do your own research to confirm.

Get Creative

Expressing your creativity is a great way to become in tune with your intuition. Often times when people are creating, they have an image in mind first that they want to manifest in reality. This is know, though what is often overlooked is that creative direction can change a lot during the process. It can range from a change in color palette, execution, or a complete change in concept. Letting your intuition seep through during creation is a great way to learn how to recognize and accept it.

Pay Attention to Who is in your Circle

It’s not only our minds that can cloud our intuition, but the voice of others too. If you have someone in your circle that constantly talks down on you, consider distancing yourself from them. At the very least, do not tell them about your dreams and aspirations lest they try to sabotage them. It is always best to have people in your corner that lift you up and encourage you to trust yourself and follow your dreams, not ruin your confidence and faith. If you have no one around like that, or just want a little bit more support, consider connecting with a spiritual advisor to help you out.

Be Present and Raise your Sensitivity

Living in the moment can truly help you understand your intuition on a deeper level as well as increase your happiness. Some ways you can practice being present are by:

  • reducing screen time

  • being mindful of your surroundings

  • getting out in nature

  • unplug for a day

  • have a fun night out

  • observe and increase your quality of life

  • taking a walk

Raising your sensitivity is also a way to strengthen your intuition. This is because you’ll be able to identify it better when you’re seeking it out or it pops up. You can raise your sensitivity by:

  • journaling

  • talking out your struggles/ going to therapy

  • opening yourself up to more love

  • practicing self care/ love

  • spending time in nature

  • allowing yourself to feel

  • giving yourself grace

Just as a precaution, raising your sensitivity means you’ll have to do more protection work.

And that’s it! Ready for a free intuition exercise? Ask yourself what your next big steps are, at least 3, and either email or DM on them to me on instagram so we can discuss them together!

I hope this guide helps you with deepening the connection to your intuition. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to me on Instagram and TikTok!


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