Business Altars: A Spiritual Way To Financial Success

Usually when you hear the phrase “business altar” it is in the form of spiritual protection and a symbol of devotion to the Christian God, However, what I’m talking about here is honoring the spiritual side of your business, as everything that you breathe life into has a spirit also. In this blog I’ll discuss the following:

  • What is a business altar?

  • Why would you use one?

  • How I use mine

  • Ideas to create yours

  • How to set yours up

What is a Business Altar?

This is an altar for the spiritual aspect of your business that helps you define your commitment, energy, and resources that you put into your business. A business altar helps you connect with your entrepreneurial self as well as the spirit of prosperity you place in your business. It can take up a small space like a corner of your desk or on a book shelf, or you can go all out and have a dedicated space in a room or closet for it.

Why Would You Use One?

If you've been working with your ancestors or a deities around business/ career, you might want to consider making a business altar. Business altars can help you become inspired and receive groundbreaking ideas that move you up the company ladder or your business' industry. It helps you channel the energy of wealth and gets you more familiar with what success feels like.

Business altars can also help you stay organized and motivated to work on your business/career and can help you gain insight to where work needs to be done for growth. Building up this energy can help you manifest your desired income, better work-life balance, and your ideal lifestyle.

Some reason to have a business altar include having a space dedicated to working on your business, gaining inspiration, motivation to continue going, help with stagnation, giving yourself more energy to continue working, making your office space more meaningful, bringing in more wealth energy.

How I Use Mine

I have my altar on my desk where I tend to clients, work in my business, and figure out ways to upgrade my services. Any time I feel stuck, or just want a little bit of extra energy, I state my intention and light the candle on my altar. Sometimes I will use a crystal as a palm stone while I work so that the energy flows through me as well. To get a good grasp of what to put on a business altar, I’ll let you in on what I have on mine:

  • My crown

  • Crystals like pyrite, fire quartz, turquoise, rose quartz,and obsidian

  • My book

  • My business journal

  • A candle that rests on an abundance sigil

  • Money

  • A seasonal element

A lot of these hold my accomplishments that I have made in my business, but others are just symbols of success and prosperity. It also holds thing that I actually use for my business, like my journal and a specific pen I use for my business only.

I used to have a picture of myself on my altar too, but since I moved, I have yet to put it back up. However, placing a picture of yourself next to your role model on your business altar does help you channel the energy “the boss bitch” or “office princess” or whatever category you decide to fall into.

Ideas To Create Your Own Business Altar

If you're looking to make one, here's some ideas for you:

  • something that represents your business as a whole

  • a peice of jewelry to wear when you make a sale/ gain a client

  • crystals for success, wealth, and prosperity

  • coins

  • a planner

  • whiteboard where you plan or mark things out

  • a plant

  • green sticky notes for business ideas

  • gold washi tape (for packages)

  • a book that inspires you

  • any physical accomplishment you're proud of

  • a nice smelling candle

  • finacial notes (ex: usd bill)

  • symbols of financial goddesses/gods

  • symbols of wealth

  • your logo

  • bronze runes

  • a money bag

  • a money bowl

  • artwork of the sun

  • a tarot card you resonate with

  • a sigil of abundance or success

  • precious metals like gold or silver

  • your favorite book on business or abundance

  • notes with prosperity affirmations

  • bay leafs

  • dried bundle of basil

  • cinnamon stick

  • a vision board for your business

How to Set Yours Up

Setting up your business altar is easy. It belongs to you, so arrange it how you would like. Work within your space and create something that feels good to you.

Here is a rule of thumb with creating altars to help you out.

  1. Have something that represents all 5 elements. This is self explanatory but make sure all elements are present on your altar in some way. They can simply be represented by crystals or you can go above and beyond and have all of them physically there. Don’t worry too much about the spirit element, when you tend to it or work with it, it will be there. (Note: you also have all 5 elements in you, so don’t feel bad if your think your altar isn’t up to standard. You create the standard as the practitioner.)

  2. Make sure something that represents you is on it. You want your energy present there at all times.

  3. Put something that represents your business on it. In this case, you’ll need something that represents your business too. It can be as simple as your logo or business name written on a piece of paper. It doesn’t have to be complicated.

  4. No bad energy at the altar unless you plan on releasing it. You don’t want to mess with all the good energy you put into it, especially during the creative process. Save setting up your altar for another day if you’re feeling off.

  5. Consecrate it by blessing the space and surface with holy water, Florida water, or another form of blessing material.

  6. Put the rest of your stuff on it in the way that makes sense to you.

And that’s it! Setting up an altar is super easy and the same can be said with maintaining one. It’s all about what you feel and how you want things to be placed.

I hope you have fun with this new project and make sure to tag me in pics of your business altar on Instagram and Tumblr if you make one! I’m excited to see how it all goes for you. Make sure to get creative with it and make it yours.

Happy manifesting!


Jo Gaddy


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