Void State: What Is It and How to Get There

If you’ve been around the spiritual side of social media any time soon, you’ve probably heard the terms ‘Void’ or ‘Void State’ a couple of times. However, this is absolutely not a new concept. The idea of the Void has been around since the birth of Stoicism, and some say even before that. In this article, I’ll give you the ins and outs of void state including:

  • What it is

  • My personal experience

  • How it feels

  • How to get there

  • How to use it

What is Void State?

Void state, also called emptiness or nothingness, is a state of pure consciousness where thoughts are not interrupted by things like doubt, fears, and even objects and images. It is a reality of undifferentiated unity that the emptied mind that the emptied mind reflects or manifests in.

Paul Brunton describes the Void as “the First Cause of All Existence” where out of it comes consciousness, power, and life. [1]

Many philosophers and scientists are advocates for the Void like Aristotle, Democritus, Ken Wilber (which illustrates it as “reality before we slice it up into conceptualism”[2]), and Lawrence Krauss.

Even Bruce Lee was familiar with the Void stating “Whoever realizes the void is filled with life and power and the love of all beings.”[3]

Religions and mysticisms that reference the Void in teachings include Buddhism, Taoism, and Judaism. It is also important in martial arts.

My Personal Experience

With my research and personal experience, the Void might be a way that we can access mass quantum entanglement. Think about how much our brain waves slow down and how there is no disruption to the stream of consciousness like doubt or fear in the Void. It is purely just information being shared between you, your subconscious, and the universe, which then creates momentum and matter.

I used to go into the Void all the time as a child without knowing what it was. In fact, I could do it with my eyes open. I felt my body floating and my mind completely relaxed, yet awake. If I tried to move my body, it wouldn't work and I would alert my brain of consciousness.

Getting back into Void State as an adult has had it's difficulties, but once I remembered what it was and what it felt like, I've been able to do it on my own when desired. This is partly because I've been meditating a lot more recently so I know how to keep consciousness while being still.

Most people enter Void State in the middle of the night, when they've been sleeping. If you've ever felt like you were asleep but well aware of your thoughts (not lucid dreaming) then you have entered Void State before. It's easy to do it this way by using subliminals or affirmations before bed to remind your brain to enter during the night. Your mind is more susceptible to instruction/ change at night so playing subliminals before you sleep is a game changer.

I've just recently started getting into void state during the day again and use it to reaffirm anything that I need to. For instance, if I'm having a bad day or simply want to affirm, I'll take some time to myself and go into void state to change my mindset and my reality.

The one thing that is hard to do during Void State, I find, is remembering to manifest what you want. You get so caught up in the wonder of drifting through your own consciousness that you lose the whole reason of why you enter the Void to being with. For the first few times, let this happen. Get familiar with the Void and explore it before you decide to use it.

How It Feels

Many people describe Void State as if you were floating. Your body feels weightless and sometimes nonexistent, everything around you is still and unified, and you’re in a stream of pure consciousness. A lot of people have been to the Void and don’t realize it.

Some would say that Void State feels like being in a deep sleep but your mind is still “on”.

Regardless, the general consensus is that you are completely unified and outside of the physical realm.

How to Get There


My advice to those looking to start is to start meditating daily, even if it is just for 10-15 min. This will help you move closer into void state naturally since your brain waves are already slowing down when you meditate. Void State is the slowest our brainwaves can get before sleep, so meditation is a good first step for practicing.


The next thing is to use subliminals before you sleep. Using subliminals before or during sleep will help you master Void State faster, especially once you enter and realize what it is. They work because they train your subconscious to start initiating behaviors and actions. If you listen to a subliminals that is made to help you induce Void State, you’re more likely to get there the more you listen. Though, using subliminals takes dedication as you need at least a week to 30 days to see results. Using subliminal audios paired with meditation will increase your chances of entering the Void. I make custom subliminal audios for a people who want specific things targeted, but have made a Void State subliminal that you can use as well.

Beginner Friendly Methods

The Star

This is the one I usually gravitate towards as it mimics the act of floating on water. Stretch out your limbs wide. I usually let my arms rest on my stomach as opposed to out by my side, so if that feels more comfortable to you, then do so. Once you’ve relaxed into position, focus on feeling like you’re floating. You can use water as a reference, but visualize yourself floating in space. Try to bring your visualization to your body and make it feel like it is floating on the surface it’s laying on as if it was in space. All thoughts, all feelings other than floating, are irrelevant when you do this so make sure to stay focused and keep track of where your mind is. When you feel like you are floating and your mind has entered a train of thought that moves without judgement, you are almost there. The last thing you need to look for is a sort of disappearance of the physical. So you might still feel your body in Void State, but it will only be the shell. When it feels like everything around you has disappeared, you have entered Void State.

Body Scan

Lay down on your back on a comfortable surface and make sure to get in the most comfortable position you can. Begin to scan your body, starting from the feet and making your way to the head. When you do this, focus on releasing all tension in that area while breathing deeply. Do it a couple times and you will feel your body start to get heavy and your skin start to tingle. Once you feel your body becoming numb, you are almost there. Shift your focus from your body to nothing at all and when the physical has disappeared, you have entered Void State.


You can affirm your way to the Void by simply using affirmations to get there. All you need to do is get yourself into a comfortable position and start recycling affirmations like “I am in in the Void” and “Getting to the Void is easy” in your head. Don’t fill your mind up with these thoughts as the point is not to force yourself there, but drift slowly and only affirming when doubt or an unrelated thought arises. You will have entered Void State when the physical disappears and you are left with a stream of consciousness.

How to Use It

Once you get in the groove of entering the Void, you can start using it to your advantage. People use the Void to manifest, shift into their desired reality, revise their lives, or simply reflect.

Set your intention before you enter the Void so that you can remember to do what you set out for.

For manifesting, I like to write down all the things I want with a special pen, just so that I can see the words in my brain. Then I focus on the color of the ink (the pen I use is purple because duh) and make sure to bring that image into my mind when I get too caught up in my thoughts. Basically, I’m using the color to symbolize my desires so that way when I enter Void State it is much easier to manifest them because I lessen the risk of disrupting myself out of the Void.

When trying to shift into your desired reality using the Void, script what you want your desired life and self to be like in the morning and look back over it before you sleep. That way, your mind knows exactly what you’re referring to when you affirm “I have everything I scripted” in the Void. There are also other methods you can use, but this one is good because it’s interactive.

If you want to revise some of your past, make sure to reflect on the pain of that memory and turn it into what you want it to be, that satisfaction (or neutrality) can be brought into the Void instead of the pain, which will then revise the past.

There are many ways that you can use the Void to your advantage, making sure to find a method that works for you is key.

The last piece of advice I want to give you is to keep trying. It's so easy to give up when there seem to be no results, but I promise one night it will all click and you'll wake up living your deepest desires.

Happy Manifesting!



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