Episode 5: Cartomancy + Being Spiritually Well Rounded

In this episode of Jojobaa Sessions, we dive into cartomancy and being spiritually well rounded with our special guest Scorpion Goddess aka Juliette Everett. She is a tarot queen, reiki practitioner, and astrology enthusiast. This beautiful goddess makes sure that we know what's about to go down on any given day and how to heal our wounds.

Do what your spirit feels like it’s meant to connect to.
— Scorpion Goddess

This week on Jojobaa Sessions, discover the world of cartomancy with our guest Juliette, the Scorpion Goddess. She’s a go to if you want cosmic information and does NOT sugarcoat her messages.

Topics Covered:

  • Icebreakers

  • Jersey Shore

  • America’s pluto return

  • Building a relationship with your deck

  • Having your own practice

Check Juliette out!!

Juliette is a sassy tarot reader and a metaphysical shop owner. She helps people stay in alignment while not having to compromise their integrity.

I asked her to be a guest on my show because of her dedication to her audience and practice. She shows up every single day to elevate the collect. Most of us don’t even show up for ourselves. She continues to prove herself an inspiration. It is an honor to have her on the show.

Juliette’s Stalking Info:

+ Instagram

+ Shop

+ Book an appointment

+ Youtube

+ Tiktok

Show Mentions


I use both the toner and the serum. It does a fantastic job to minimize the appearance of pores and smooth textured skin!


She got prescribed by a dermatologist tretinoin and it has SAVED her skin. Better than retinol (yeah I know), if you want it, go get it.

Get insight on your innate spiritual gifts and fun traits!!


This is one of my favorite books to recommend to my clients! It stimulates both the left and right brain so that you can learn the skill effortlessly.

The Healer's Manual: A Beginner's Guide to Energy Healing for Yourself and Others is a wonderful book to help you get back into your bodies natural flow of energy.


Why Are All the Black Kids Sitting Together in the Cafeteria? If you’re ready to understand racial dynamics and inequality in America, this is the book for you.

Tarot Beyond the Basics: Gain a Deeper Understanding of the Meanings Behind the Cards is the book you should get into if you’re wanting to learn tarot.

Title Page (2).png

Learn how to live your dream life while enhancing your psychic abilities, increasing your threshold for abundance, and discovering your purpose. Book a discovery call!


This is the link to Juliette’s etsy shop! Don’t worry… the website is in progress ;)


Episode 6: Spiritual Health + Capitalism


Episode 4: Root Work + Ancestral Trauma